Get Your Catcher's Mitt Ready (Because What You Want Is Already On Its Way)

What might shift for you if you were to act as if everything your heart most desires is already on its way? If you could relax and trust that you're right on track, how would you use this down time to weed your garden and prep the soil for the sweet new things about to blossom? What happens when you stop waiting and start preparing?

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Why "What should I do with my life?" is the Wrong Question to Be Asking

What if this messy, curious, confusing, exciting, terrifying, eyes open exploration is your life's purpose?

What shifts if you drop the illusion that some perfectly packaged "Here's what you're meant to do with your life" bundle with a bow will arrive at your doorstep and you accept that whatever you're exploring or struggling with right now is your life's purpose?

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Not a Believer Yet? No Problem.

You don't have to believe it fully for the seeds of possibility to start to germinate.

You just have to keep the door of possibility open, and acknowledge that even slightest sliver of what's possible.

Then keep opening the door a little more and a little more, and the universe will start to open the door in equal measure.

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Is That My Gut or Fear Talking? How to Tell the Difference

When the landlord opened the door to the apartment I now live in, my first thought was, Wow, this is tiny. My second thought was I know I'm gonna live here. I just knew in my gut this space was for me. And the past 3 years have proven that intuitive hit to be right on the money. Sometimes intuition comes clearly like that. But when fear is involved, intuition can feel fuzzy.

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How to Make Profound Changes — One Small Shift At a Time

And what can feel tricky is that of course there are yoga poses and things and people in this life that really aren't the best fit for us. But when you stay plugged into your intuition about what really feels right for you, when you stay open enough to be willing to try out just this one little shift…you can have those breakthroughs. You don't need to wait for some gigantic shift in outer circumstances to break through your inner barriers.

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