Not a Believer Yet? No Problem.

Recently I pulled out a visioning exercise I did years ago and realized that almost every single thing I'd written in it has become my reality.

Even the things that felt like impossible stretches at the time — things I didn't really believe I could ever have, just hoped might be possible.

I was stone cold single and had been for years, but wrote about the loving, playful, soulful, mutually supportive relationship I wanted so badly to be partnered in, and which I've now been in for years.

I was just getting started as a coach and full of self-doubt, but I wrote about having a full-time coaching practice that let me share joy and love in supporting amazing women while having a ton of freedom and flexibility, which is my life now.

So here's what I wish I'd known during all the years I spent silently suffering through a life in neutral and having no clue how to shift gears:

You don't have to believe it fully for the seeds of possibility to start to germinate.

You just have to keep the door of possibility open, and acknowledge that even slightest sliver of what's possible.

Then keep opening the door a little more and a little more, and the universe will start to open the door in equal measure.

And before you know it, you will start to believe it's possible to manifest what you truly want, because it's happening.

And then one day you'll wake up realizing the things you never used to believe you could have are your reality.

And you'll think, "Hm, if I could manifest that thing that used to seem totally out of reach, I wonder what else I could bring to life...?"

And before you know it you've stepped into full-blown, joy-drenched flow in your life, where things start to feel juicy and effortless; amazing yet undramatic.

So don't worry about believing it fully yet.

Just keep the door of whatever your intuition tells you might possibly be possible for you open. Then keep your eyes open, take some consistent, aligned action, trust the process, and relax.

The momentum will kick in, and before you know it you'll find yourself right where you've always wanted to be but never used to believe you could be.

Just acknowledge that what you want could be possible. The rest will grow from there.

Lots of Love,  


PS - If you enjoyed this post, thank you for passing it along to someone who might get a boost from it.


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