How to Make Profound Changes — One Small Shift At a Time

A coaching client recently shared with me that an experience she'd had with a headstand in a yoga class seemed a little silly to mention, but felt big to her somehow.

She told me how she's always shied away from headstands. They felt hard, never felt great in her body, and she'd basically decided she was never going to be able to do them and that maybe they just weren't for her.

But in this class the teacher noticed her struggling, proposed a slight adjustment in her hand placement, offered some support coming up, and asked how she'd feel about giving this variation a shot.

My client, becoming bolder in her willingness to lean into her fear and trust herself to handle challenging situations these days through her committed self-development work, said she'd be willing.

And lo and behold, she floated effortlessly up.

She felt giddy and stable and strong.

And not just physically strong. She felt a strength of Self.

A sense that she'd broken through a barrier that, it now appeared clear, had been nothing but a barrier created by her own mind.

The thing is, the barriers our mind comes up with can be so convincing.

Her mind really had her convinced that headstand just didn't make sense for her body.

And what can feel tricky is that of course there are yoga poses and things and people in this life that really aren't the best fit for us.

But when you stay plugged into your intuition about what really feels right for you, when you stay open enough to be willing to try out just this one little shift — in your hand placement or your language or your actions or your perspective in your life — and when you trust that you're strong enough to handle even the things that feel scary to you, you can have those breakthroughs again and again.

You don't need to wait for some gigantic shift in outer circumstances to break through your inner barriers.

All you need is some attentive attention, some trust, and some willingness to dip a toe in and try on a new approach.

And each time you're willing to dip that toe in you build your confidence that you can, in fact, handle more of this life experience.

And each time you open to new possibility, you expand your limited, fear-driven (small s) self into your strong, capable, true (big S) Self.

Trusting yourself even when it's scary is the farthest thing from silly. It's actually the strongest action you can take.

So how would you like to dip a toe in and make a small shift that might just lead to a major breakthrough this week? Trust your gut and your strength and go for it.

Lots of Love,



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