Soul Refresh

A nourishing 8-week cocoon to support you in realigning with your inner wisdom and opening the energetic channels for expansion into next-level clarity, connection, joy, and abundance in your work and life.

*A virtual group program for up to 10 female coaches

FEBRUARY 7th - MARCH 28th, 2023

Replenish your inner well. Reconnect to your intuitive wisdom. Expand your healing ripple effect.

Hey sweet coach — Let’s get you out of your head and into the flow of your authentically embodied, heart-centered, soulfully thriving coaching practice.

You came out of your coach training program feeling inspired and purposeful. You love coaching and felt so energized by having (finally) found something you feel truly meant to do.

You’re a natural coach, and you felt eager to get out there, share your gifts, and serve people in a loving and impactful way.

But now a ways down your path…

As much as you still feel lit up by the time you spend actually connecting with coaching clients, you keep finding yourself hitting a wall or bonking your head against an upper limit ceiling.

Spinning your wheels rather than taking clear and consistent action steps toward getting your coaching practice truly up and running to help people at the level you’d truly love to be helping them.

And while you know deep in your being just how made for this work you are, you’re often finding yourself frustrated and exhausted, stuck in a depleting shiny object syndrome loop.

Finding your attention, energy, and resources drained by constant distraction from the next course you feel like you need to get through or the perfect logo you have to have or feeling like you have to create a ton of inspirational Instagram posts before you feel ready to really get yourself out there as a coach in a sustainable (yet integrity-grounded) way.

The honest truth is…

You’re longing to have some sweet, nurturing space held for you the way you hold space so beautifully for your clients (and everyone else in your life).

To be given permission and space to slow down, take a breath, and get reconnected to yourself — to your Self — without being dragged under by guilt or overwhelm. 

To let the chatter of all the urgency and shoulds you feel constantly bombarding your thoughts — both from external “experts” and from your own Inner Critic and perfectionist — recede to the background, so you can hear and trust the inner wisdom whispering up from the wise, compassionate, energetically-attuned being you are at your core.

To reconnect to your intuitive sense of what feels, deep in your bones, right for you as the most soul-aligned next step on your journey to authentically connecting with the people you know you’re meant to serve as a coach (and human).

The dirty little secret no one tells you during your coach training program…

is just how soul-level deep (and not for the faint of heart) the work of really putting yourself out there in an authentic way as a coach is.

How vulnerable and isolating it can feel. 

How confusing and overwhelming it often is. 

How much inner resistance you’ll face on the precipice of each next level of expansion. 

How much courage and fortitude it takes to keep taking steps forward even when it feels not just hard, but often to the deeper, more vulnerable parts of ourselves, downright terrifying and paralyzing.

No one tells you how the process of really allowing yourself to become more visible as a coach will bring to the surface all your yet-to-be-processed sticky spots and unconscious shadowy parts that haven’t yet been brought into full awareness, acceptance, and integration.

You’re craving support from someone who’s navigated the same path you’re walking without being told what you “should” do in a formulaic, cookie-cutter way by someone trying to convince you they know what’s best for your way of operating better than you do.

I’m Melissa.

And I get it. I really do.

As a Certified Professional Coach who’s been doing this work for 10+ years, who served as an Assistant Trainer for iPEC (the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching) for most of those years, and whose clients have predominantly been heart-centered, soul-guided female coaches for the past decade, I’m intimately familiar with where thoughtful, compassionate female coaches often get stuck.

I’m also familiar with (another secret that’s rarely spoken aloud) where the most kind-hearted, authentically service-driven coaches often start to feel so overwhelmed and deflated that they never really get their voices and messages out into the world…to the point of even pulling the plug on their coaching practice altogether.

And that would be such a loss for the world. 

Because I know — and most importantly, you know — how truly brilliant you are at holding loving space for and nurturing soul-deep transformation within the people you work with.

And the world so needs more genuinely caring, integrity-grounded humans like you out there spreading your love and light and wisdom.

Soul Refresh has been birthed as a space of sacred pause where we can gather together in like-minded, like-hearted community to truly see, hear, and appreciate one another and lift up the meaningful work we do as kind, compassionate coaches in the world. 

A space where the magical alchemy that occurs when a group of caring humans with synchronized heartfelt intention gets sparked.

A space where you can slow down and turn your attention inward in order to nourish your trust in your own inner wisdom and nurture your confidence, so you can start really pumping your wings out in the world as the deeply wise, intuitive, transformational coach you are.

I  wish I’d had a guide to pull me lovingly aside the handful of times I almost gave up on my own coaching practice in my eary years to say: “Honey, you’re doing great. You’re on the right path. You can trust yourself. Keep going.”

I’m here to help you install and fortify those types of clear-seeing, self-compassionate muscles and messages within yourself so you can trust your highest Self to guide you on your path (better than any external guru can).

“Melissa is a beautiful and generous being of radiant rare gifts, skill, experience and wisdom.”

“I am so grateful and in awe of Melissa’s tremendous ability to create and deliver a compassionate and deeply beneficial retreat with such ease, keen attention, compassion, support and graceful deliverance. There was no pushing or expectations of being anything other than who and what and where I was in any moment. EVERYTHING felt like a safe and loving place to be vulnerable and brave and to take a look at how connected we all truly are.”

– Christine Leon, Find Your Flow Retreat participant, Life & Positive Change Coach

Program Details

Soul Refresh is an 8-week virtual group coaching program to help you:

  • Connect more fully to your intuition so it can guide you into deeper, clearer waters through this next leg of your coaching journey and allow you to help your clients learn to more fully trust their own intuition as well

  • Illuminate and clear out lingering Limiting Beliefs that may still be sneakily damming up the flow of your coaching wisdom (and the financial abundance that can come with it)

  • Tap into higher levels of nonjudgmental awareness (aka mindfulness) — Because that’s where the insights really start flowing, both for yourself and your clients

  • Dial up your Self-Compassion — Because you can feel in your bones that that Inner Critic trying to motivate you through pushing and criticism won’t serve you at the level of integrity you want to embody and model for your clients

  • Deepen your trust in the Power of the Pause — So you’ll be able to hold a more present and sacred container of loving presence with your clients

  • Drop coaching concepts out of your head and into a more fully embodied way of being — So you can stop trying so hard to do this whole coaching thing and let your coaching flow more easefully from the core of your being

Our program format will be sweet and simple (because the last thing you need is one more super-complicated, time-consuming course to get all caught up in your head about).

Our 8-Week Flow

Week 1: Arriving, Grounding & Intention-Setting

Settling into our supportive community and setting up our energetic container together.

Week 2: Trusting the Pause

Slowing down and dropping into the stillness within which reconnection with Self happens organically — beneath the mental chatter, spinning, and attention-yanking urgency of external to-dos and shoulds.

Week 3: Cultivating Mindful AwarenesS

An offering of Mindfulness practices to help you be able to reconnect to your highest Self and access your most loving, spacious, compassionate, nonjudgmental, creative flow states more easefully.

Week 4: Nurturing Self-Compassion

Sharing of practices to dial up your own Self-Compassion and help you be able to offer the same potent practices to your clients.

Week 5: Strengthening (your superpower of) Intuition

Introducing some simple but profound practices to help you — and your clients — access and trust deeper levels of intuitive wisdom.

Week 6: Clearing Limiting Beliefs

With greater mindful awareness and self-compassion under your feet, you’ll be ready to illuminate next-level insights around any still-unconscious beliefs that might be damming up your flow as a coach. (Potential for some live limiting belief-addressing coaching modeled during this session.)

Week 7: Resistance — Breaking Through & Surrendering in

One thing you can expect to meet at each new level of expansion on your path (as a coach and a human) is resistance. We’ll shine light on how it can show up and some ways to work with it when it does.

Week 8: Embodiment & Integration

Bringing it all together and sending you forward with a clear sense of your next most authentically-aligned action steps and prioritized areas of focus.

*These 8 themes will serve as our jumping-off points for our weekly group Zoom gatherings, but we’ll always stay fluid and flexible around structure, following the group’s energy wherever it organically leads on a given day as feels rich to the collective.

The 8-week Soul Refresh program will include:

  • An insight-illuminating Welcome Workbook to open the energetic channels and crystallize your intentions as we embark on our journey together

  • Eight 90-minute facilitated group sessions over eight weeks via Zoom (recordings sent the next day for sessions you’re unable to make live) that will flexibly include: 

    * A brief guided arriving & grounding meditation

    * Themed reflection prompts to help you drop in

    * Group and partner sharing

    * Grounding somatic / embodiment practices

    * A bit of sparked-in-the-moment magic sprinkled in

  • A PDF Workbook emailed to you following each week’s session to help you flesh out insights around our theme of the week with some simple suggested expansion and integration practices, reflection prompts to help anchor in your growth, and supportive related resources

  • A private Facebook group to nurture your connections with one another in supportive community throughout the course of the program 


BONUS! If you sign up by Jan 27th, you’ll also get:

  • A free 60-minute 1:1 coaching session with me during the course of the program ($250 value)

  • Free access to my Mindfulness for Coaches e-book ($27 value)

  • Free access to my Self-Compassion Beginner’s Guide  ($47 value)

This program was made for you if…

You’ve been feeling:

  • Disconnected, isolated, or alone; like no one really gets how hard  it is to stay committed to this soul-level work of really “getting out there” as a coach

  • Like you need some of the type of tender space held for you that you so beautifully hold for your clients so you can share, process, and integrate what’s churning within you

  • Like the “usual marketing” business strategies just don’t feel aligned for your more personal, energetically-attuned, connection-driven style

  • Like you’re swimming upstream in your coaching practice

  • Stagnant around your sense of purpose or joy

  • Like you’re constantly spinning your wheels, lost in all the big ideas, external distractions, outward focus, and “shiny object syndrome”

  • Like you’ve been trusting external “experts” more than your own intuitive wisdom — and that feels out of internal alignment for you

  • Like you need to clear your energetic channels so clients, creativity, wisdom, and financial abundance can finally start flowing more consistently in your practice

  • Like you’re dying to be immersed in a like-minded (and like-hearted) community of supportive coaches who really “get” both how exhilarating but also terrifying this whole coaching path can be

And you feel energized, nourished, and inspired by:

  • Being in community and conversation with other heart-centered coaches 

  • Connecting with like-minded, soul-driven women 

  • Focusing on conversations, growth, concepts, and practices that help you feel more integrated and connected — to yourself, to others, and to the flow of life

This program is likely not an ideal fit for you if…

  • You’re looking for a business strategy course. There are lots of wonderful business coaches and courses out there, but this program is all about giving yourself some breathing room to pause, reconnect with your Self, and integrate all you’ve been learning at a deeper level so you can then get back out into action in your work and life at a whole new level of alignment and activation.

  • You’re not into group sharing and connection. This program is all about connection and reflection, so won’t be a great fit if you’re in a “just wanna get sh*# done, get outta my way” lone wolf mode.

  • You’re looking to get caught all up in your head with just learning a bunch of concepts. We both know you’re great at learning things. What this program is designed to do is to help you embody more of that learning so you can start living from those concepts as wisdom in action.

  • You’re the type who likes to stay off-camera and invisible during Zoom calls. The magic of this program is in the connection with and exchange of energy between the lovely souls within it. You’re meant to be seen and heard here. If that doesn’t sound like your sweet spot right now, no problem. 


  • February 7th - March 28th, 2023

  • Calls will take place on Tuesdays from 1-2:30pm Pacific / 4-5:30pm Eastern Time each week for the 8-week series. Presence on the calls is definitely strongly encouraged so you can soak up all the juicy energy in real time and share in a dynamic way with the group, but recordings will always be sent out by the following day as well.

  • I totally get it. The “work” of mindfulness, self-compassion, and embodied integration is completely counterintuitive to how most of us were conditioned. What I’ve learned in the past 15 years on this path though is that this paradox is True (capital T): The more some part of ourselves is resisting slowing down to reflect and integrate something, the more it’s a sign that’s exactly what we most deeply need right now.

    I invite you to check in with yourself to see if something in that statement resonates in your body — and to let your intuitive sense guide you from there.

  • This program is intended to be a spacious container that will give you the freedom to work in as focused a way as feels good to you on things as we go, or the freedom to simply show up in this juicy space once a week and just soak up the positive energy and let insights spark and drop into your being at a deeper level as they will. This container is low-pressure, high-permission.

    You are strongly encouraged to commit to giving yourself the gift of consistently joining our 90 minutes a week together in our Zoom container (though, yes, all calls will be recorded and emailed to you the next day). Beyond that, you can dive in as deeply or skim as lightly as you choose to the suggested weekly practices. You can trust that you’ll take away exactly what you’re meant to as we go.

  • This container will indeed be an intimate one, allowing for plenty of rich connection and sharing — limited to 10 kind-hearted, integrity-guided, soulful female coaches.

  • No. The private Facebook group will open up the day before the program begins — Monday, February 6th — and will be closed three days after our final call together — Friday, March 31st. (The connections you make during the program will carry forward beyond the edges of the program dates though, of course!)

  • Absolutely. You can pay in one $1500 upfront directly through the Enroll button on this page; or choose to be invoiced for two $750 payments (one upfront and one in week 5 of the program), or three $500 payments (one upfront, one in week 4 and one in week 8). Installments will be set up through Wave invoicing system so you only have to enter your credit card information once to keep things nice and simple. If you’d like to pay via installments, let me know at and we’ll get you all set up.

  • The intention is for this program to be offered twice a year: February-March & September-October.

  • Yes. If you show up live for the first week’s Zoom call and fully engage with the program for the first full week and then, for whatever reason, have decided this program doesn’t feel like a good fit for you, you can request a full refund by 2/14/23. Beyond that refund period, all payments will be expected in full.

If as you’ve made your way through this page you’re noticing a sense of warmth, expansiveness, or excitement in your body, you’re likely on a hot track. I would love to be with you in our sweet Soul Refresh container!

If you’re loving the sound of the program but still have a few questions, let’s connect for a 30-minute chat.

Send a note my way here.


Thursday, February 2nd

With Love,
