First Name
Last Name
What if anything is keeping you up at night — literally or figuratively — these days?
What are you tired of tolerating in your life? This could be something inside or outside yourself: A thought pattern, habit, way you speak to yourself, etc; or an external circumstance, like a job that’s draining you, being in some kind of prolonged transition limbo, etc.
If you could wave a magic wand and magically change one thing in your life right now, what would it be?
Please complete the following sentence below: In this phase of my life I want to be experiencing more...
And experiencing less...
What are your top three intentions or goals — the areas of your life you’re committed to focusing your attention and energy on whole-heartedly — in embarking on this coaching journey?
What would you or someone who knows you well say are your top five strengths/gifts? (Words that describe you at your best.)
What five words paint a picture of you at your “worst”? (Sidebar: You’re 100% perfectly human just as you are. Gentle but honest acknowledgment of any disconnects will just uncap potential for even more joy and freedom to flow.)
What do you consider to be the greatest accomplishment(s) of your life?
What types of people, situations, or activities energize you?
What types of people, situations, or activities drain you?
What types of self-care practices are currently part of your generally regular routine? (However you define self-care.)
What do you really enjoy in your life?
What type of accountability do you respond best to: Strict and direct, or a more gentle touch? (Please elaborate as useful.)
What type of learning style would you consider predominant for you: Visual (learning through seeing), Auditory (learning through hearing), or Kinesthetic (learning through doing / feeling in or experiencing through the body)?
What does your professional vision — near or long view — look like, if it feels clear? (If this feels fuzzy but you’d like to clarify this vision, we can play with this for sure; if this doesn’t feel relevant to our work, please feel free to skip.)
What would you like to contribute to the world?
On a scale of 1-10 (10 = High), where would you rank your current level of stress?
On a scale of 1-10 (10 = High), how “present” would you say you feel in an average moment on an average day?
On a scale of 1-10 (10 = High), where would you rank your current level of happiness?
What do you value most in your life (try to just go with the first thing that pops up from a gut level here)?
Imagine you’re near the end of your life. Looking back, how would you have lived in order to leave this life peacefully and without regrets?
What do you want more than *anything* in your life? (This may be something you want so badly or have so much fear or doubt around that it’s even hard to admit out loud.)
Have you ever practiced some form of meditation before? Please elaborate as useful.
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