Feeling Stuck? 5 Simple Tips to Get Things Flowing Again

When I graduated from my coaching certification program in 2011 I felt like I was finally on the right path, which was exciting...

But I also felt frozen.

I was stuck in analysis paralysis.

Which direction should I take my business? Where do I start? The options and all the to-dos I thought I had to do right away felt overwhelming, not to mention all the blocks I had around becoming an entrepreneur (something I'd never seen myself doing).

Looking for some validation that despite the fear that was coming up I was indeed heading in the right direction, I reached out for the first time ever to an intuitive.

She validated everything I felt was true for me and offered one nugget of wisdom I still think of years later:

"Give this business its time. You're growing an orchard, not a garden."

Her words instantly took the pressure off. It felt like OK, I can relax and let things unfold. I don't have to do it all at once. It's coming.

And once the pressure was off, I was able to step into the flow and let things grow organically and actually enjoy the process along the way.

The reminder that manifesting our most heartfelt desires is a marathon, not a sprint, is helpful not only for business but for life in general.

We put so much pressure on how we want the thing we (think we) want to turn out perfectly down the road that we suffocate it before it’s had a chance to get legs.

It's important to get really clear on what you want to create in your life in order to bring it to life, for sure. But imposing heavy-handed expectations on exactly how things have to show up in your life sucks the air out of what you want.

Placing rigid demands on how your desires manifest blocks the flow of abundance.

If you're pushing 100% of the time, there's no room to receive what life wants to deliver you. And who knows, maybe life has something even better than what you'd been imagining in store for you?

If you get incredibly attached to the one way you think it has to be, you can't welcome those better-than-imagined things.

When you take the pressure off, things flow effortlessly again.

So if you're feeling frozen or blocked somewhere in your life, here are a few tips to help get things flowing again:

1. Acknowledge that you're blocked.

You can't change what you're pretending isn't there. Kindly but firmly get really honest with yourself. Admit "I'm feeling stuck" (ideally to a supportive friend or coach).

2. Create some space.

Stop resisting the block. It's just stuck energy; nothing personal. Breathe into it. Let yourself really feel it in your body. Breathing fresh air through and feeling space around dissipates blocked energy.

3. Feel the fear and move forward anyway.

If you buy into fear and react to it every time it shows up, you feed it. Every time you move forward despite the fear, it shrinks.

4. Celebrate each "little" milestone along your path. 

Appreciate each step you've taken in spite of the fear. Those steps may seem little now, but little by little, a little becomes a lot. And gratitude increases whatever you're grateful for.

5. Keep going. 

Take it one step at a time...but do take that one step. You do your part and the universe will meet you halfway.

Cheers to you and your flow, wherever it leads you.

Lots of Love,



The Simplest Way to Upgrade Your Life


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